Accounting, Invoicing, Inventory and Expenses for
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Discover why Alegra is a trending software in latam



Invoices with Alegra


Create invoices, send them by mail and print them in English according to the legal requirements. You can also export them to Excel.

Facturas recurrentes con Alegra

Recurring invoices

Generate automatic incoives based on the frequency you choose.

Multi-currency with Alegra


Create invoices and keep your accounts in different currencies.

Alegra in mobile devices


Keep track of your business in real time, from your iOS or Android phone, using our free mobile App. You can also download and print your invoices.

Integrations with Alegra

API / Integrations

With Alegra API you can connect other systems such as: Electronic Commerce, CRM, ERP and Accounting System to keep your information updated.
Alegra also integrates with Zapier, Shopify, Zoho CRM, Data CRM among others.



Send notifications to your customers about their invoices and collection status.

Templates with Alegra


Customize your documents templates.

Quotes with Alegra


Create quotes and then convert them into invoices.

More functions with Alegra

More features

Add sellers and different price lists to invoices. Create purchase orders.

App Alegra

Keep track of your expenses


Instantly register payments and expenses.

Recurring payments:

Automatically generate monthly payments.

Attach files:

Attach other files such as invoices, quotes and more to your payment receipt.

Supplier invoices:

Organize and keep track of your accounts payable.

Organized contacts



Keep your clients and suppliers information in order.



Keep track of your clients,invoices history, balances and all their movements.



Keep a unified record of your suppliers.

Attach files

Attach files

Attach files to each contact, such as business cards, quotes and more.

Make decisions based on smart reports

Smart reports

Smart reports

Analyze your business based on real time relevant information:sales, best clients, best-selling products, cash flow, balance sheet, income statement, taxes, portfollo rotation, what you own and whats owed to you.

Know exactly how your business

Know exactly how your business is performing

Receive a monthly report on your business performance in your email.

Exportable reports with Alegra

Exportable reports

Export most of the system reports to Excel.

Accounting report

Accounting report

All your accounting information organized and ready to export, for your accountant or other accounting programs.

Check and send the account with Alegra

Customer account statement

Check and send the account statement to your client. This is updated in real-time

Banks and categorires to keep your business organized



Alegra helps your manage your bank accounts, credit cards, or cash, while keeping your balance as you performe income and expense operations.

Banck reconciliation

Banck reconciliation

Use it to verify your bank accounts movements.

Customize your accounting catalog

Customize your accounting catalog

Add a code and name to each category according to your needs. We use the IFRS structure.

Inventory system for SMEs

Inventory up to date

Inventory up to date

Check your inventory status in real time.

Inventory control

Inventory control

According to purchases and billing.

Price list

Price list

Determine different price lists for your products.

Multiple warehouses

Multiple warehouses

Create different warehouses to control and distribute your inventory. You can move your products between them.

Alegra integrates with

Connect thousands of applications with Alegra to perform scheduled tasks see more

Google Drive

More features that will make your business more efficient

Business notifications

As an account manager, receive notifications about different movements in Alegra.

User Control

Manage which actions may a user perform based on their profile.

Attach files

Attach files on the platform: receipts, quotes, invoices, business cards, all organized in one place.

Support Alegra!

Support Alegra
Write us at or visit our help center for more information

Download our mobile app

Download app iOS Alegra
Download app Android Alegra

Try all our features

for free for 15 days


Alegra in the cloud

100% cloud-based

Alegra is an online administrative application, designed for small businesses. Being cloud based, you can access your account from any place and device.

Alegra Security


Don´t worry! Your business information will always be safe with us, we use the best security systems. Hosted by Amazon specialized servers, you don´t have to worry about backing up your information or any expensive infrastructure.

Alegra Real-time updates

Real-time updates

Every time you log in, you'll be looking at the latest version of our software.

Alegra siempre contigo


Have access to your information from any device with internet connection. Download our mobile app for android and iOS.

Discover all Alegra has to offer. Create your free account and start using it now!


COPYRIGHT © 2024 Soluciones Alegra S.A.S.